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At OCPC, you'll find a place where you can go deeper in relationship with God and with others.
We're making a difference for Christ in the world by birthing, equipping, and encouraging disciples of Jesus Christ


At OCPC, we have strong ministries for adults of every age and walk of life. Throughout the week, our adult ministries give you opportunities to grow in your faith, deepen your knowledge of the Bible, and develop authentic relationships with others in our church community.


Our Sunday morning classes provide opportunities to grow in Christ while learning about and studying the Bible together. Classes are offered during both service hours.


Our adult ministry also offers Bible studies that focus on learning the truths of the Bible in an in-depth study setting. Pastor's Bible study is on Wednesday evening at 5:45pm in his office. Elective classes, like ESL and Tae Kwon Do are a place to find authentic community and develop life skills. Held throughout the year, these studies and classes are developed according to interest and need.

Presbyterian Women Circles meet monthly to study, share and celebrate. They meet each second Tuesday at 10am. Call the church office for information. They also deliver Meals on Wheels and have an annual Birthday Celebration.

Sassy Chicks is a group of widows who meet monthly for lunch. It always turns into laughing and sharing! Contact Byrdie Burras or the church office for details.

Together in Mission meets the last two Tuesdays each month at 10am to quilt, bead, crochet and of course, talk. Call Pam Gary or the church office for more information.

For more information on our current class offerings call the church office at 214-339-2211 or visit our online calendar.